Morning Walk Yields Unexpected Pitfalls

    A morning walk can unveil unusual things. With a slight knee strain, doc said I must trek thirty minutes a day for the next few weeks before attempting a run.  No worries.
    For walkers, the placid, tree-line streets of Savannah offers a curious world unseen by passing cars, or ones zipping through by bike. Retired folk, some rocking lazily on their front porch, wave or nod good mo'nin. Rounding Ogeechee Rd, along the old cemetery pathway, where endless troves of slaves are buried in unmarked graves, I maintain my stride, right over left, paying close attention to my tender right knee.
    Up ahead, a patrol man, sitting idle in his car, is pointing a long barrel gun aimed dead at my dome. He doesn't blink nor turn away. For a flicker of an instant, we stare each other down. Thank goodness he's hawking speeders and does not eye me as runaway prey.
    I continue my stroll, walking past the cop who bemoans a pretentious hello. He's a man on a mission. I walk by unmollested, footing it to the end of the block. Before road's end, a rabbit is snared. Lights blaze and sirens wail as another cop car arrives in a split second's time.             

    "Another black motorist is set to be trounced", says the voice in my head. I double back to get a better view. The officer is standing beside the car peering inside the driver's side window. The young female motorist hastily flips through papers on her lap but one thing stands clear: She is a Baywatch beauty! Sleek. Fine. Young. And white! The trigger happy cop signaled "all clear", of course, and his back up car swiftly pulls away.

    Ahhh.. the priveledge of driving while white! I wonder if he got her number... 


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